Well if you are a top-flight perma, and can micro well, yes it is possible.
Much easier to team up with a buddy however if possible along with your heroes.
As to you question, yes there are pugs, but most of the 1st rate permas run invite only teams these days, since even though VSF is simple, there is always some nub who slows things up.
Incidentally given pugs can be a pain it is hard to get nice sub 4 min runs, with heroes you can clear far quicker, however you want to take mesmers in preference to ROJ. The permas I run with no longer bother with ROJ at all, mesmers are much faster.
Oh on a side note, I have seen 4 VS drop (all q11 or higher) in the last 900 runs, so if you do the math on that it isn't much of a money spinner: fun of course.